The first time I created a blog, i.e., in March 2007, I maintained it a month or so and then I deleted it. I don't exactly remember why I deleted it. It was long time back. But I guess it was maybe because I did not know what to write. I was into college then and most of my time was taken up by Google talk, Orkut and college fun. I did not sketch as much as I do now-a-days.
What followed was a series of creations and deletions of which I don't have count. Every creation lasted about two to three in number of posts and about one month. If I plot a graph of my college events on the x-axis and frequency of blog creations on the y-axis... It would look like ...

There were other reasons too like mood frenzies, boredom, process of releasing anger, lack of readership, etc. I do not wish to go into detail with them except one because others do not concern the topic here. The one reason that concerns the topic is "new ideas of blogging". And when I say new ideas, I mean new ideas for blog type, new ideas for blog headers, new ideas for blog content.
My first blog was named, "Mou's Blog". I had no thoughts about the blog content then. Then another of my blog was named, "Mou speaks". A series of "Mou *this*" and "Mou *that*" followed. Then I turned into a little more expert. So titles changed into innovative phrases.
One of them I remember - Words at sunset. It was meant to be a daily diary of events.
I deleted that because, it sometimes went too personal and I had started deleting posts once I was out of the phase that made such personal posts. So... Blog gone !
The second last one that I deleted was named "Drops on my Window Shield". It was named after my book of poems and the blog was meant to be a poetry blog. I deleted it for two reasons. First some anonymous guy said my poems were copied, because they were too good to be written by me. I could have taken it as a compliment and I later did, but that moment I was hurt. The second reason was, I cherish my poems and had plans to get them published some day. So, the poor blog goes extinct again.
The last blog that I deleted was "My Sketch Book." I actually merged it into this blog.
And the current blog was earlier named as "Drops" as a tribute to my book of poems. But just before I joined indiblogger I changed it into "A Damsel Fly" (just an idea). And then I went popular. Readership improved. And now I have ideas again of blog headers but i dont think people would like to read a blog that starts a new identity every now and then. So, I accept this state of stability for the first time in my blogging lifetime just for the sake of preserving my blog readership. After all why would someone want to write something that people do not care to read or see. :P
So, much for readership !
A mini autoblogoraphy. Personal blogs most of the time represent the bloggers changing state of mind n mood.
Hey dnt kill this blog again. May be u can have a side header or something where u can display new or side headers for ur blog n change it from time to time.
Tht's true....and same goes with your orkut profile.. countless reincarnations.. :D
anyways.. another interesting read.. :-)
I m hoping and I think I will not delete this blog again !:)
I hope that you don't delete this one too.... and try and join more blog-networks like etc I have a few links in my'll receive more quality readership I am sure... anyway as long as you don't change the url I am hooked on this blog ... :D
Well, I have an answer! One can write something that people do not like, and that is to satisfy himself/herself. At a certain level, you do want people to read and appreciate your work, but at the end of the day, the thing that matters is self satisfaction! Would like to read more!!! Kudos!
please dont delete this blog..i love reading your blog and it gives me much required inspiration to write..i am not a regular blogger but i am trying to be and blog like yours gives me my food for happy blogging..:)
Hey everybody... thanx for all these sweet assurances yaar ! :)
And dont worry .. this wasnt a blackmail post(if u dont read my blog, I am going to delete it). It makes me more than happy that there are people who like to come back to my blog. (getting nostalgic *snif* )
Its was just that I was wondering how increased readership makes u accept stability. So heres a promise... All you wud find changing in this blog now on are a few widgtes, posts and maybe the blog template. :)
It agree, very useful piece
It is remarkable, this valuable message
usefulness n valuable are relative terms. happy that u called the post useful/valuable. *wink*
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