Remember .. Quote for today was "Love your Blog !" (Check earlier posts)
Anyways, No idea who had come up with this concept and didn't try to find it out... I read it first on Dhiman's blog. 55 word fiction is a story in 55 words. I am good when large number of words are concerned, but i thought it could be exciting, so here is my story...
He was dreaming.
Mohan, village school, Sita's face , fishing net, fishes, a plate of rice, Fees for the doctor...
Sita sat by him, putting wet rags on his burning forehead. Mohan slept peacefully.
Next morning. Sita cried, little confused Mohan clutched into her lap. The dead body lay still, devoid of dreams.
Wow!!! That was one awesome.... So you were saying you can't say it in less words hmmm....
thanx :)
well ... i never did that before! It is obvious to doubt myself !
Great concept...let me see if I can do this.
Nice, Mou. Very nicely done.
@ Paritosh
Looking fwd to it :)
Thank you :)
Hi! that was great.
Wenz ur next 55 fiction coming waiting.
hey shas ! thanx :)
lets see.. m kind of enjoying the concept of 55 fictions... hoping to put up one soon !
btw thanx for the follow :)
next time lets have no dead bodies!!!
i like happy endings :D!!!!!!
next time i invite u to write a 55 word fiction with a happy endiing ! Or shud I tag you with this??? :P
Just have had a quick run through the has an adorable collection of rich contributions !
This particular post bears two refined impulses for me; firstly through its literary contents so elegantly entwined with philosophy of life and secondly, in remembering those strokes of 55 brushes that once I too tried.
A 55-words salute !!
thank you saibal :)
And yea had been to ur blog. Loved it !
Good one!
I have read a few of your posts and I should say that the settings of your posts are mostly in village like situations, a rarity these days!
Nevertheless, I enjoyed it!
i am happy that you enjoyed it pawan :)
Well I agree i have lots of writes set in a village env.
Two main reasons... My parents are social activists and I have been to and lived in more villages than any normal urban person has. And second... for the first 12 years of my life, most of my summer vacations/ winter vacations were spent in our native village that was located in sunderbans where we journeyed a whole day on steamer !
That explains the whole thing.
Now listen to my fate, I have never been out of the city (to the villages I mean) and I always brag my father to take me to one. You know what one of goals is? To stay in a village for a day, which by far has never been accomplished!
I should say you are lucky, and if you don't know, I have a soft corner for villages, for their purity, spiritually and materialistically!
yea.. villages are a wonderful place to be in !
I remember, as a kid, mom used to feed and bathe us early morning and let us go.. we roamed around the whole day and returned at dusk... into fields and dense gardens, on the river ghats watching steamers, watching rabbits n deers on the other bank (on one bank was our village, on the other was the sunderban jungle). I dont have proper words to explain what it was exactly like ! Do not miss a chance if u get one ! good luck ;-)
Brilliant! one of the best 55-ers I;ve read. Keep writing!!
thanx pallavi :)
m a bit busy these days... out of station n all... hop onto ur blog very soon !
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