Whose? Well... it was mine. Wish me ! *chuckle*
I had not so bad a day. The friends i had been staying with, forgot it was my birthday, and since I wasn't expecting that, I did not care to remind them. It was half an hour to 28th jan (the day) when i got a call for an advance wish and then they remembered. For the next five minutes they lamented about the fact that they forgot and did not have a cake for the midnight cake cutting process. Later they made a cake of "suji ka halwa" with pieces of almonds saying "happy b'day mou". I loved every bit of it.
We stayed up late, listened to some party songs, though did not actually have a party since i had to prepare for an interview the coming afternoon (my b'day afternoon). *sad face*
So I slept late, woke up early, mugged up basics of Java and appeared for the interview. I didn't even get time to bathe due to lack of time for the mugging up process. But I assure you, I wasn't smelling. And I wasn't looking bad either. I reached 5 minutes late for the interview (thanks to the mugging up process again).
Three people interviewed. two technical and a HR. ( As an extra information, well... I had a crush on one of them *wink* ).
Done with the interview, I came back home at about 8.00 pm. Chatted a while, ate a bit, and birthday was over. I had always wanted my birthdays to be extra special, i love it that way. and this time I wudn't say I had a wonderful day, but I wudn't complain.
Most of my good friends had called. a few hadn't. Some forgot and then remembered. Some totally forgot. Some mailed, and messaged. No complains there too.
And at the end of the day I realized, I was missing my mom terribly.
nice b'day celebration u had ... cheers to ur friends :)
but not taking bath is a thng i guess u will remeber :)
Hey! Happy birthday... Nice to see another Aquarian :-)...
Have wonderful days ahead of you...
Aaww....thats sad ur friends forgot ur b'day :(
Don't worry we shall celebrate it here. Here's a virtual cake for u (m bad in drawing cudnt virtually bake/make it better). Hope u will like it.
( )
Wish u many many Happy returns of the Day!!
May God shower on u his choicest blessings n May all ur wishes come true.
Wow!!! Suji ka Halwa as Cake and almonds to write your name.... I must say your friends are creative... Belated Happy Budday .... good to hear you have a nice time.... All the Best for the Job...
yea. bday wasnt that bad after all.
and not taking a bath .. yea... tht too on an interview day ! :P
thanx for the wish. Seems u r an an aquarian too. is it?
Thank you :)
Its okay Shas. Once in a while its okay if they forget. thts allowed. and if they hadnt i wudnt have had the sweetest cake. none of us had a camera so cudnt click it. it was perfect.
And your virtual is fantastic too. :) Thanx again.
thank you Dhiman :)
One of the makers of the cake is actually a good artist as well as a good cook.. i guess thts y the creative result. :D
Wishing you a belated "Happy Birthday" dear!! Hope you got thru the interview, that wud be the best b'day gift ever (considering you have been smitten by the HR). :)
thanx paritosh. :)
It is truly a special day for you, and I wish many many happy returns of the day !!
But it is also very special for someone whom you missed terribly at the end of the day...the root to the chord that fed life in you...the Creator! That's your Mother !!!!!!
I am sure, in your every moment of missing her will flow promises of life !
pretty late .. but came for the first time .. so happy birthday :)
thanx Saibal :)
thank you :)
and welcome to the blog.
Thats a great and colourful cake.
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